About this site
There are a few things you might like to know before visiting the
rest of this site.
- The graphics used are all in the PNG (say: Ping) format
(Dutch, English).
If your browser cannot view these, I suggest you either get a new
browser, or you get used to it.
- Links may lead to the outside from a special
Dutch or
English links page,
like so (this leads to a link
to the homepage of my ISP). I myself hate to get ugly surprises when
'surfing' the web, and I hope this approach helps to avoid these
In line with this, icons are used on the links pages to warn you for
certain sites. The following icons and their meaning exist:
large page
frames used
page uses bad syntax
Note: Largness of a page is strictly biased and only the document-size is
measured. In other words, you may still encounter huge inline graphics
without prior warning).
- Dutch readers can find my filosophy of home page design on the Hidden Page. Hopefully in the future I will add to
Go back home I tell you!
Page last changed on 17 April 1997.
Please, send your comments and suggestions to